Program Overview
Sir Guy's Physical Support Program is for exceptional students at the secondary level. The program focuses on the academic and physical needs of the students. Programming is based on the learning expectations outlined in the Individual Education Plan (IEP). The IEP is developed and coordinated by the special education teacher in consultation with parent (s), Learning Support Services personnel, and subject-area teachers.
The IEP is designed for each student according to individual learning needs and strengths. The IEP is developed, revised and updated based on the results of ongoing assessment and evaluation. There is ongoing liaison with the Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre (OCTC) for those students who enter the program from the OCTC and from Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). Consultative services are provided by CCAC in the areas of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy.
There are up to twelve (12) students in our Physical Support Program class. The class is equipped with special education resources, including educational assistants and specialized equipment. We are one of three Physical Support Programs located in designated schools across the OCDSB.
Supporting Your Student
All families should regularly review our Connecting with Agencies guide. It provides a timeline for accessing services starting upon entry to Secondary School. Transition planning starts now! If you have questions, need copies of documents or require support, please connect with our PSP teacher, John Staff.
Program Placement
Placement in the Physical Support Program is done by central board committee. A student’s OCDSB school completes a System Class Referral based on a recommendation from the school multidisciplinary team. For more information about PSP referrals or placements, please contact Jan Heneberry, Learning Support Consultant, at 613-596-8916, ext 8583 or jan.heneberry@ocdsb.ca.