The Behaviour Intervention Program (BIP) is for exceptional students with intensive behavioural needs. The focus of the program is to provide a structured learning environment and an opportunity to develop appropriate pro-social behaviours.
Programming is based on the learning expectations outlined in the Individual Education Plan (IEP). The IEP is developed and coordinated by the Special Education Teacher in consultation with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and Learning Support Services personnel. The IEP is designed for each student according to the individual learning needs and strengths. The plan focuses on behaviour, and is developed, revised and updated based on the results of ongoing assessment and evaluation.
At Sir Guy Carleton we have two BIP classes, with 8 students in each. Classes are equipped with special education resources including two Educational Assistants. Our students are integrated into the regular vocational program, so students must meet the board's Vocational Learning Profile.
The BIP staff maintains a warm, compassionate and empathetic environment. Students ‘check-in’ every morning in the BIP room to touch base and prepare for classes. During class time, the BIP staff provides students with assistance and support in their integration courses. As well, with the permission of their classroom teacher, students may return to the BIP room to work on their academic subjects with the BIP staff.
When necessary, BIP staff and students work collaboratively to determine appropriate coping strategies. As each student and situation is unique, the plan is different for each circumstance. Some students work well with Collaborative Problem Solving while others benefit from Restorative Justice techniques. Often, we maintain daily communication with parents as they are an essential component in the decision making process and do attend meetings when necessary.
Program Placement
Placement in the Behaviour Intervention Program is done by central board committee. A student’s OCDSB school completes a System Class Referral based on a recommendation from the school multidisciplinary team. For more information about BIP referrals or placements, please contact Marnie Cross, Learning Support Consultant, at 613-596-8211, ext 8655 or
Behaviour Intervention Program
ASD Directory April 2016